Tuesday 14 January 2014


The equipment I will be using to film is the Song Handycam, this camera will allow me to shoot in high definition and get a good quality images. The tripod that will be used will be the Velbon DV-6000, it is quick and easy to set up, move and dismantle. This camera will be easy to handle when using different camera techniques and camera movements because it is small and light this allowed me to move it how ever needed and also it allowed me to carry it home so I could find a suitable, appropriate location to film, instead of having to record in college, which is what I might have had to do if the camera was heavy. I am using this camera because I used it for my coursework last year and I have familiarized myself with it and learnt how to download the images to the computer. This camera was easy to use, even though I was not the camera man last year I still learnt how to use the camera from the preliminary task and recording audience research results. It was easy to get use to again, because there are not too many buttons and knobs like other cameras, it was straight forward and it was easy to stop and start recording and delete any unwanted clips. 

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