Thursday 7 November 2013

POSTER ANALYSIS (1): Romantic Hideaway

Romantic Hideaway was the first poster that grabbed my attention that I can get ideas from for my short film poster. The key lock is in a heart shape with splatters of blood, this suggests to the audience that there may have been pain/hurt or even murder in a relationship due to secrets being kept between the couple. The most interesting thing I found was that the poster does not use any characters but still sends across a message and the audience can easily recognise and predict what might happen which allows the genre to get across which is very important in a film poster. 

The poster has a light grey background which fades into white. Even though the background is plain; because of the image being so powerful, it doesn’t make it look boring or unappealing because the image is suppose to be the centre of attention and if there was anything happening in the background the image might not have been as powerful. 

The text colour is in black and red. This could symbolise many things: the colour red usually symbolises rage, anger, passion or love and the colour black could symbolise death, hatred, pain or suffering. One the poster, the title and the actor's names is in black and red. One word is in black and one word is in red. This could suggest that one person in the relationship was in love (red) and the other person was suffering (black) which may have caused death in the relationship.

The layout of the poster allows the audience to focus their attention on the image which in its self makes the audience instantly interested and curious about the film. The title is right below it and the name of the actors is above the image on each side, which may reinforce the idea that each character was in different positions in the relationship.

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