Tuesday 8 October 2013


I have researched wedding film names to see if I could get any influences from them for my short film as it is a wedding film but also a crime film.

Original movies to potential names for my short film:
The Proposal - The Second Proposal
Made of Honour - Best MAN
The Bride Wars - Bridal War
Wedding Crashers - Wedding Secret

These are all names I could think of using names from original mainstream films. These are the films that will also influence the layout of my poster.
The Second Proposal, because the grooms brother, who the bride is having an affair with, asks her to run away and get married to him.
The Best MAN, because the bride is having an affair with the best man.
Bridal War, because there is arguments and in the end someone dies.
And Wedding Secret because, as the title shows, there is a secret, that their having an affair.

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