Tuesday 8 October 2013


The short film that is like my idea for a short film is Sticks and Stones May Break My Bones But Words Can Kill Me.
This is about a girl who is getting bullied and being called ugly and fat and people are telling her to kill herself.

I want to get a similar message across to the audience that words can hurt more than actions and be careful what you say to someone because it could have a very negative consequence and hurt so much that they wont to end their life.

I think this short film is effective as it gets straight into the main message behind the film and it shows that words hurt more than people realise and even through cyber bullying, saying mean things to someone could really affect their life.
I have chosen a very serious subject to aim my film at because I think everyone to be remembered to think before they speak, because it may be the last thing they say to a person, and if the person is close to them, it is worse because its worse knowing you are responsible for someone to feel disgusted in them self that they want to end their life, thinking it would be better for everyone. 

In the film the camera shots they mainly use close ups, this is to allow the audience to see the pain she is going through from the bullying, and I will also be mainly using close up shots to get the same affect through the audience.

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