Tuesday 1 October 2013


The genre for my short film is Drama/Crime. It may seem like a romantic film at first but towards the middle to the end there is drama and crime. At the beginning it shows a loved up girl getting ready for her wedding day, then in the middle she has arguments with people close to her and in the end, a guest finds her on dead on the floor. In the film the characters think it is one of the people that she had an argument with, but only in the last second the audience see that she had killed herself, while the characters still wonder who done it. In my narrative research I found that in films that use Todorov's theory, the audience prefer it better because it allows them to have a sense of closure at the end of the film rather than leaving it on a cliff hanger, and they may not understand the full message if its left on a cliff hanger. Also, I think it is important to use Propp's theory about classifying the characters into clear certain roles, which allows the audience to connect with the characters separately as they know the role of each one. My major influence for the short film was from an event that happened in the British soap, Hollyoaks. The audience could relate to the main character, but even though she was the one that was in the wrong, as she was cheating on her fiancĂ©, the audience felt sympathy for her because she was a caring, loving character.

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