Thursday 3 April 2014


What have you learned from your audience feedback?

This is some of the feedback that my audiences have said so far;

This is what another viewer said, her name is Afeefun Nessa, aged 18: "You should have made the characters a bit more clearer, besides that it was good. Quite funny. The film made more sense after you explained the reason for it. If it was a bit more clear on the character roles that would've been better but all in all good job." 

From my audience feedback I found that the characters where confusing for the audience. I could have improved this by having two different actors playing each of the male characters, but the whole concept behind using the same person for both characters was to show that they are twin brothers to make it seem even more bad what Tessa had done. Most of the audience understood the film and the message behind it. The audience understood that it was a drama film and did not say that it confused them and thought it would be a romantic film, which is one of the main things I was worried about. 

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