Thursday, 3 April 2014


How did you use media technologies in the construction and research, planning and evaluation stages?

The technologies that were used in the process of constructing our product are:

Blogger: All the work that has to be done has to all be typed up on blogger, every step of the way of the whole process I had to show what was being done each lesson. Images and videos where uploaded to help further with my explanations, for example a video and image was uploaded for my major influence to show exactly what sort of thing I want for my film. The poster where the main character who dies in the middle and people who mean the most to her, but also the suspects, on either side, and the video where there's a lot of tension and drama. I was also able to upload other things like Prezi for evaluation question and use Scribd for storyboard.

YouTube: The final finished version of my short film was uploaded onto YouTube so I could post it on the blog, but also, so I could get people to watch it and comment for my audience feedback. This is an easy way to get audience feedback because the viewers can watch the film whenever is suitable for them, then comment straight away so everything that they just watched is still fresh in their memory. YouTube was also used at the beginning a lot of time to watch short films. I watched a few, all in different genres. We watched the short films to give us ideas for our own and also to analyse and have an idea of what a short film should have in it.

Adobe Premiere Pro: This was the programme used when editing. It was easy to use and I learnt all the main features needed to edit clips, easily. When I first started editing last year, and finding each clip and putting them together to make them flow and look realistic, I thought it was hard, but then I got used to it, and started enjoying it, and then I was really looking forward to editing and putting together the clips for this coursework as this time I was doing it all by myself so I could learn more about the programme. When using Adobe Premiere Pro, the new features I learnt was editing the volume, to make it fade and to make it lower so the voices can be heard, and also, I learnt how to edit the lighting, because in some scenes it was to dark so I had to put the brightness up. 

InDesign: This was the very first time for me to use InDeisgn. This programme was used to make the film review article. This was the best programme to use for an article because it was easy to create a columns, and insert images by selecting and creating a box with X in it, and all you do is drag the image in, and edit it by making is smaller or larger, or cropping it to the right size.

PhotoShop: For me, the best programme I used throughout the whole process was PhotoShop. At first I had no clue how to use it and many times asked other class mates how do to things, but once they had shown me, I worked the rest out for myself, it was also interesting exploring everything the programme could do even if it meant I kept messing up my work and starting again. Every time I made changes to my poster, I was eager to do it myself and figure it out, if I was really stuck, then I would ask for help. This programme was easy once I got used to it and it allowed me to put together three completely different images to make it look like one image, which was lucky for me because I did not know if it was possible to put different images together and still make it look good. It was also easy to select the right type of font that I wanted, because on my poster I have used a few different fonts. PhotoShop allowed me to edit the main image of the characters to make it look almost animated. I chose to do this because as a normal image it looked a bit fake and when I started playing around and editing the image this one made it look the best. It also allowed me to add the effect on the background of the white light in the middle, to make the image stand out more and to add a little bit of colour to the page.

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