Friday 27 September 2013


The target audience for my previous, AS coursework, 'Hidden' was particularly aimed at males. This was because, the other members in my group were two males, and they knew exactly what were needed in terms of codes and conventions for an action/war film. 
Due to the nature of the genre we included some aspects of danger and a little violence, the film was rated a 15, so, the violence will be limited but this helped to create the tension and suspense. The age range as a target audience was from 15-25 years, this is shown through the number of violence scenes, the extent of the violence, and the actors, who are also in that age group. The demographics for that film would be C1’s/C2 within the social grade. This is because I believe those people would enjoy films like this which involved war and action scenes. The psychodynamic groups for this film would be Egoists, and Rebels, this is because it is more likely these two groups would enjoy the violence more than the other groups and take more pleasure from it. The Audience Theory that applies to Hidden is Effects Theory. This is because of the violence; other people that do not particularly enjoy violence may call it the ‘Mean Violence Syndrome’.

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