Friday 27 September 2013



The audience for short films in general would be people who are interested in the film industry, media or art, or enjoy graphic works.

The audience for this short film: "The Longest Daycare",  would be the audience who are already a fan of The Simpsons, but also the younger audience as it is mainly aimed at life of the youngest Simpson who is a child, and this would attract the young audience more than the older audience who do not watch The Simpsons.

Whereas, the target audience for this short film would be aged 18+, as it shows the view of a 11 year old boy, in Sex Education, and how all students felt during that time, and how boys saw girls as 'disgusting' and how differently they act towards the opposite sex now than they did when they were at school. As I watched it, it reminded me of how different the boys in my class used to act towards us girls in year 7, and how different it is now in college.

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