Friday 27 September 2013


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Typically, short films run for no longer than 40 minutes. Which include the begining, middle and end and aslo the credits. 
The camera shorts that I have noticed when watching short films are usually long shots or close ups. This is because there is not a lot of time so they try to get the whole film into a short time so they show as much of the seeting as possible so the audience are familiarised with the setting in which there are in. For example in Interpretation, there are more long shots to show the audience the surroundings of the film which can represent the genre. They are in an ally way at night which could suggest something may happen before anything does happen. In The Desk, the majority of the shots are close ups, this allows the audience to see the characters facial expressions when he finds the reply on the desk. It also shows close up of the desk so it is clear what has been written. I think the camera shots depend on what genre the film is, in a horror film there may be more close up shots and extreme close ups, than any other shots to allow to audience to see how the character is feeling and their emotions during that scene.

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