Friday 27 September 2013


The major influence for my short films is from the British Soap, Hollyoaks.

I really enjoyed the storyline, where the bride (Texas) was having an affair with the groom's brother (Mark) and his girlfriend (Theresa) over hears Mark saying he loves Texas.
Texas is pushed out of the window and dies. And there are a number of suspects who all have a very good reason to want Texas dead, but no-one actually knows that the real murderer is the groom (Will) even though he has also got a reason, as he knows about Mark and Texas, but no-one suspects him as he is in a wheelchair, but what everyone else doesn’t know is that he can walk.
The two clips below are the scenes that inspired me. The first one is seeing Texas falling out of the castle, and the second clip is Will having a flash back of what he had done to his wife, Texas.

In this image, it is of all the suspects of Texas's death.

This plot particularly interested me and influenced me for my short film, as it is about a sweet, girl that the audience love, and will be shocked that someone had so much hatred that they want to kill her. The audience know it is one of those people (in the image above) that murdered her, but don’t know who it was as they all have an excuse. It leaves the audience guessing about who it is for a while. This is why I enjoyed it so much because there is suspense and keeps the audience wondering who it was.

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