Friday 27 September 2013


Who are the target audience for the short films you have looked at?
  • The short films I have looked at have been for various target audience.
  • For example Late Bloomer, the target audience would be aged from 18 onward because it shows how kids at that age see their peers, and the target audience would be able to relate to that feeling because they've been in that position, but it could also be aimed at the younger audience aged between 12-16 years old because they can also relate to it as they are going through that phase at that age.
  • However, Interpretation, is for the 18+ who enjoy action films.
  • The Desk would be aimed at the audience aged between 15-18 as it is about two students at school, so may not appeal to anyone older than that age. However, it may appeal more to females than males as it is a sweet, romantic film.

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